Simpsons: Hit and Run Game

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3.5/5 Write a Review
Tags:arcade & action


About the game
     Best Simpsons: Hit and Run game for you, Simpsons: Hit and Run download. The Simpsons: Road Rage was a clean cut, crazy take off of Crazy Taxi. The game came with lots of fun and kept the gamer in the Springfield mindset with the goofy artwork. The Simpsons: Hit and Run is a take off of the series Grand Theft Auto games. Like Road Rage, Hit and Run keeps the gamer entertained with many aspects of the game.-[11-09]


Editor's Review:
The "Simpsons: Hit and Run " is a arcade & action game.It's rank is 100.Provided by the Amazon.This game includes Simpsons: Hit and Run, If you have a question about install the game,then please check our FAQs.

System Requirements:    CPU:1.0 GHz    Size:33.6 MB    RAM:70    OS:Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8    DirectX: 8.1

(click on Simpsons: Hit and Run screenshots to buy)
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sarah cristina (3.5/5)2015-05-03 08:59:43
jogo besta credo numca mais jogo isso so besta pra jogar isso :[ :{
ALEXIS (3.5/5)2015-01-27 14:42:36
luka (3.5/5)2014-08-13 04:37:32
minda tamasi
sdzzm fff (3.5/5)2014-04-12 16:04:07
mmmmmmmmolj ç+ççççççççççççççççççç
bryan (3.5/5)2014-03-10 16:14:28
feliz ser que llama se osedr
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